пятница, 14 января 2011 г.


       I am pleased that Natahen's photograph was on the list of winners of "the best of Russia 2010" Even though there are as many winners as "days in the year", it may not seem such a victory but I am still glad.
The cloud approaching Kabul finally brought snow despite my companions view that it was just a dust cloud! Everything was covered with a fine sprinkling of snow. 
       I have missed my second plane as the recently arrived British unit has filled it completely and as usual the journalists have to make do with the leftovers. I returned to the departure lounge to wait but as it turns out there is still no place for me! So I continue to wait. 
       The time in Kabul is + hour and a half GMT. It surprised me. I had always wondered why astronaught wore so many watches, now I realize why. They have to know the time in London, in Moscow and in Houston especially when docking the shuttle! I understand how they feel because I have to know the local time in Moscow, in Paris, in Delhi and Hong Kong depending on witch office I need to work with! Of course you get use to time difference but I still want to put on three different watches! 

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